Louisiana Laws & EBR Parish/City Ordinances

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EBR Parish/City Ordinances (City Codes)

EBR Parish/City Ordinances – CODE OF ORDINANCES: City of Baton Rouge & EBR Parish.

Some key aspects of EBR Parish/City Ordinances that all Old Jefferson Crossing residents need to know:

  • Abandoned/Inoperable Vehicles. Abandoned, inoperative, dismantled, or wrecked vehicles may be removed by police from public or private property. Vehicles are tagged to notify owners and to allow the situation to be abated or the vehicle will be removed.
  • Advertising Posters/Signs. (A) Unlawful to attach any kind of sign, card, picture, placard or advertisement of any kind, business or political, to any pole, post or object on the streets, alleys, sidewalks or rights-of-way of the city-parish; (B) Unlawful to suspend or erect any banner, placard or advertisement of any kind over and across any public street, alley or other public way within the city-parish.
  • Blight. Prohibits conditions upon or affecting premises, which are hazardous to the health, safety or welfare of the public, and/or conditions which are detrimental to property values, economic stability, or to the quality of the environment. Such conditions include the accumulation of junk, trash, garbage, litter, refuse, rubbish, appliances, debris, combustible materials, or junked inoperable vehicles; illegal dumping; noxious weeds; overgrown vegetation; infestation of insects, vermin or rodents; animals running at large; dilapidated structures; condemned properties; abandoned adjudicated properties; criminal violations; weed liens; zoning violations; alcohol beverage control violations; health code violations; and other conditions which are hazardous to public health, safety or welfare.
  • Garbage. (A) Container lids/covers must be kept secure and fastened at all times to avoid flies and other insects as well as dogs and scavengers accessing the contents; (B) Must be placed immediately on curb adjacent to the street, and not less than five (5) feet from travelled surface of streets. (C) Containers can only be on the street from 4:00 p.m. the day preceding the scheduled pickup and 6:00 a.m. the day after the pickup.
  • House-to-House Peddling/Solicitations. (A) Allowed between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. unless a residence has posted a No Solicitation sign or HOA has a No Solicitation resolution & signage; (B) Must have a valid permit from the EBR Finance Dept. and must produce the permit and suitable identification to demonstrate that the solicitor is the person identified by the permit upon demand; (C) Minor children receive permits through their parents or legal custodians and must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age.
  • Noise. (A) No person shall make or cause any loud and raucous noise such as abusive/vulgar language, music playing, or auto/vehicle noises which are offensive to persons of ordinary sensibilities and which renders the enjoyment of life or property uncomfortable or interferes with public peace and comfort. (B) No construction work in or adjacent to a residential area other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and sunset on weekdays and Saturdays, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety for which permission must be obtained from the director of public works. Construction work includes, but is not limited to, the erection, excavation, demolition, alteration, or repair of any building. (C) No mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier may be operated within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the property line of the premises of a residence, except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and sunset, as designated by publication in a local newspaper of general circulation. (D) No playing of any radio, phonograph, tape, compact disc, musical instrument or any other machine or device capable of producing or reproducing sound, audible at a distance of greater than twenty-five (25) feet which exceeds eighty-five (85) decibels, from a vehicle, on a public street, highway or public park in such a manner, as to disturb the peace, quiet, comfort, or repose of persons in any dwelling, apartment, hotel, or other type of residence; of persons in any other vehicle; or of persons in any public place.
  • Portable Storage Containers. (A) May be placed on a residentially used property for a maximum of 30 days, provided that all building setback requirements are met unless the property has valid building permits or in the event of extenuating circumstances such as a fire, flood, or hurricane. (B) May be placed in the front yard of a residentially used property for a period not to exceed 15 days. (C) Shall display a permit not to exceed one square foot in area that is clearly visible from the right of way that includes the container identification number, date of its placement on the property, date that removal will be required, and a local telephone number.
  • Swimming Pools. (A) Owner shall maintain the swimming pool in such a manner that it shall not harbor or become infested with reptiles, mosquitoes, vermin or other pests; (B) Not harbor submergent or emergent vegetation; (C) Shall not collect scum, film or debris to such an extent that the water is not clear enough to permit a black disk six (6) inches in diameter on a white field, to be seen when placed on the bottom of the pool at the deepest point.
  • Tree Debris Removal. (A) Any person, business or other entity who fells or trims any tree, shall be responsible for the removal of the tree and its components from the premises; (B) Shall not place the tree nor its components or other large lumber refuse on any part of the premises or adjoining servitudes or rights-of-way for removal.
  • Trespassing.  No person shall without authority go into or upon or remain in or attempt to go into or upon or remain in or upon any structure, watercraft, or any other movable, or immovable property, which belongs to another, after having been forbidden to do so, either orally or in writing.
  • Vehicle Parking. (A) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in front of or blocking a public or private driveway; (B) On the driver’s left-hand side of any two-way street; (C) On the grass in a yard between the residence and the street (D) Upon a neutral ground, right-of-way, sidewalk, strip of land between a property line and street curb, or other public way.