Board Members

President 2024; Vacant

Shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall have all the powers and duties which are usually vested in the office of the President of an association, including but not limited to, the power to appoint committees from among the members from time to time, as he may in his discretion determine appropriate, to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association and to preside over the member meetings.

Vice- President 2024; Hien Tran

Shall act on behalf of the president in the president’s absence and shall otherwise assist in zoning and general public affairs and oversee membership and recordation of membership for determination of voting rights at the annual meeting and shall assist in development of communication between the membership and the other affairs of the association.

Treasurer 2024; Tara Gerhardt

Shall receive income from dues, donations, and fund-raising efforts, and shall disburse funds in accordance with the determination of the board of directors. The treasurer shall also maintain a current financial report and ensure compliance with IRS regulations regarding non-profit organizations.

Secretary 2024; Gail Kazan

Shall keep the minutes of the meetings, send out notices of meetings and other matters, assist the president in preparing agendas for the meetings, and maintain correspondence and membership records.

At-Large Member 2024; Vacant

Shall be the deciding vote at Board meetings in the event that there is a tie vote. The At-Large Member shall assist the Board on an as-needed basis.

Street Representatives

Christopher’s Crossing Dr.Brenda Brown (17755)
Christopher’s Crossing Dr.Volunteer Needed
Bryan’s Crossing Ave.Gail Kazan (18063)
Bryan’s Crossing Ave.Marie Moran (18053)
Benjamin’s WalkHien Tran (17335)
Benjamin’s WalkJerrold Banks (17454)
Kaitlyn Dr.Erin Verinder (17552)
Kaitlyn Dr.Mike Myers (17150)

Thank you to all who are willing to volunteer your time and serve with our HOA this year!